Monday, April 23, 2012

What makes me come alive?

Two weeks until I graduate with a BA in Management and International Business. I'm trying to find my passion. I love empowering people to live healthier lifestyles whether that's physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually (especially with women - there's no need to be self-conscious or flaunt your bodies to the world, you're so much more beautiful than that). I'm fascinated by the process of development in a person from the person they are to the person they are meant to be. Since I used to work at a youth center, I grew a love for helping middle school and high school aged kids. Switching my major from special education to business had so much purpose 3 years ago. Now I'm not sure what to do with it. I feel like I'm flourishing when I can bring people together through an event that's for a cause I believe in (especially when it has to do with music). The end result makes my heart explode with joy. I'm also very interested in being there for people who come from broken homes, I like to hear their stories and be a shoulder to lean on. I think that if more people listened rather than preached, this world would be filled with a lot more love and grace instead of judgement and hurt. Lastly, I realized at my current job that I enjoy the process of recruitment. I think it'd be amazing to own a business so I can hire people and give them a source of income to support their families. I would love to have a business that supports my employees and treats them extremely well. I'd feed them every meal (organic), have a gym attached, a day care, a dry cleaner, I'd even implement 20 minutes walks in the afternoon to increase productivity and I'd install stand-up desks for everyone. There are so many things I'd love to do if I launched a business of some sort but the main purpose would be to take care of my employees and help develop them as people as they help out the company. Win-win for everyone!

What have I gathered from this string of thoughts?

  • encouraging healthy lifestyles
  • youth development
  • empowering people
  • event planning (love benefit concerts)
  • recruitment
  • owning a business
  • interested in how to implement a healthy work/life balance
  • hospitality